Monday, January 21, 2013

JOSHUA TREE: New spider species honors U2′s Bono

A new species of trapdoor spider, A. bonoi, was named for singer Bono to honor U2's "The Joshua Tree" album.

A new species of trapdoor spider, A. bonoi, was named for singer Bono to honor U2′s “The Joshua Tree” album.

Nearly three dozen new species of the cleverly named trapdoor spider, which hides from prey beneath a self-made hatch, have been identified, three of them from Joshua Tree National Park.
Taxonomist Jason Bond, director of the Auburn University Museum of Natural History in Auburn, Ala., documented 33 new species of the genus Aptostichus, a spider found in California, Arizona and Nevada.
All but three of the new species were found in California.
One of the perks of identifying a new species is getting to name it, and Bond has had some fun with the task.
Two of the new Joshua Tree species were named for Native American tribes: A. chemehuevi and A. serrano. The third is A. bonoi, named for Bono, lead singer of U2, to honor the group’s 1987 album “The Joshua Tree,” which has a picture of the namesake tree on the cover.

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