Monday, December 31, 2012
Bono reveals working title of new U2 album
BONO has revealed the next U2 album may be called '10 Reasons To Exist'.
The 52-year-old said the group have been working steadily throughout 2012 on the new record, which will be their 13th studio album. But a release date could be some time off.
"Within the band, we've been calling it '10 Reasons To Exist' – but I will tell you we might have at least six of them," joked Bono.
Struck down by flu over Christmas, the rock singer missed the start of the annual Leopardstown racing festival on St Stephen's Day which he normally attends with his family.
"I've loved being home. I had the best Christmas ever," he said in a radio interview with Amanda Brunker.
You can listen to the interview following this link.
U2 Friends
Thursday, December 27, 2012
The Story Behind The Warwick Adam Clayton Reverso Signature Bass

The Warwick Adam Clayton Reverso Signature Bass, used by Adam during the 360° tour is a true eye-catcher. Surely some of you noticed this specific bass, not only in the opening sequence of the 2010 shows with Return of the Stingray Guitar, but also during other songs throughout the show.
But what is the story behind this unusual model? Was it custom-made in accordance with Adam’s individual demands? What is a collaboration between an artist and an instrument designer like? got the answers to these and similar questions by the instrument manufacturer itself, the German company Warwick GmbH & Co Music Equipment KG.
Warwick was founded in 1982 by Hans-Peter Wilfer, whose father had previously been involved in the manufacturing of instruments for decades, and who gained a lot of success and intimate knowledge of creating guitars with his company Framus that he had started in 1946 (in 1995, Framus became a part of Warwick). Utilising this enormous know-how within the family, Warwick very quickly achieved great success. As early as the mid-1980s, Warwick built a bass model for John Entwistle, bass player in The Who. Other Warwick endorsers include Jack Bruce (Cream), Robert Trujillo (Metallica) or Bootsy Collins, to name-drop a few. Originally starting out with a range of three models, Warwick is now producing an extensive selection of products with more than 40 different basses, guitars and components. For Warwick’s 30th anniversary this September, an Open House Day was held featuring many Framus Artists. Adam Clayton had been invited but had to cancel at short notice, as he was busy with other commitments.
Marcus Spangler is Warwick’s quality control and product manager, as well as its instrument designer. He started building guitars in his father’s carpentry workshop at an early age, and eventually his hobby turned into his profession. He has worked for Warwick as product manager for five years, and is now responsible for, amongst other roles, new designs and supporting and providing advice to Warwick endorsers. He took some time out to give an extensive overview of their collaboration with Adam Clayton, as well as the field of instrument manufacturing. How did you come to work with Adam Clayton in the first place? Who approached who?
Warwick: Adam was looking into the story of John Entwistle, The Who’s bassist, who had endorsed Warwick and who had his own Buzzard Signature Bass. This was how Adam discovered Warwick. However, all the instruments that Adam normally plays are completely different from the ones that Warwick creates. You will find differences regarding the wood types and other features. Adam generally plays very classical basses that have been on the market since the 1950s and 1960s. And they have not truly changed since then. Warwick basses have constantly been advanced and are fairly modern regarding their electronics or pickups. And how did you get in contact eventually?
Warwick: Dallas Schoo wrote to my boss (Hans-Peter Wilfer, founder and managing director of Warwick) saying that Adam had been occupied with John Entwistle’s history just then, and that he would be interested in trying out a John Entwistle bass. My boss obviously answered that, of course, Adam could try that bass and any other Warwick instruments. At that time, they were recording the album for the 360° tour, No Line on the Horizon. The instruments were sent to U2’s studio. And the funny thing was, Dallas said that Adam agreed to try out the Buzzard Bass, but my boss said, "Well, if he is going to try out the Buzzard bass, we could send him all the other instruments too”. So about 15 basses were sent to the studio for Adam. There was only Dallas with Adam and The Edge in the studio at the time. And Dallas was very busy because he had to set up everything on his own. He thought there was only one Buzzard Bass coming in from Germany, which he would tune and then everything would be ready. However, then 15 instruments arrived (laughs). Of course, Adam wanted to try out every single one of them. Edge told Dallas to tune it this way and that way … and then Adam came up and said he wanted to try the next one … Consequently, Dallas was constantly hectic. He had to unpack every single bass, tune it, and adjust it for Adam. This was a huge task. Afterwards, Dallas told me that this had been crazy!
As I said, Adam then played the Buzzard Bass. There are also some videos around where you see him playing the Buzzard, or the Stryker model. He also used that bass to record a song for the album, but I don’t remember exactly which one. Anyhow, after that, Adam’s interest in Warwick had been thoroughly reinforced.
Adam then wrote to my boss saying that everything was quite good; however, the basses would not really sound the way he was used to. He asked whether Warwick could possibly build something similar to a Fender Jazz Bass or a Fender Precision Bass, the basses he actually played. Well, my boss’s answer was "If Adam wants to play a Fender, he should go to Fender, he would get what he wanted there. But should he like to play a Warwick, we would be glad to build a Warwick according to his requests. But we won’t build a Fender bass.” Dallas later told me that, when reading this, Adam asked whether Hans-Peter Wilfer was now angry with him [laughs], as there is certainly a little bit of competition and rivalry in our market. But our reaction awakened his interest, and this is how our collaboration started. Well, this kind of self-confidence is certainly understandable.
Warwick: Yes, sure. We were just being honest and Adam said that we were the first company to react this way. Other companies probably would have said, "We’ll build whatever you’d like ". But we had the balls and said ‘NO’. I think this probably impressed him a bit and then we started our collaboration. We first worked on a Streamer Model using various wood types, and we slightly extended the body. Yet these modifications were discarded. Adam had the idea to use the Stryker, which he had actually quite liked but which did not have exactly the sound he was looking for. And at that point you started developing a new model?
Warwick: Yes. We asked Adam whether we could build a Signature Model for him and he liked the idea. So this is how the story of the Adam Clayton Reverso actually started. And if you know the Stryker ... it looks like the Explorer guitar played by The Edge. Adam immediately came up with the brilliant idea to flip the bass vertically, to reverse it, to create something completely new. However, we couldn’t transfer everything 100%. If you only reversed the instrument's shape you would not be able to play the high frets, as the horn would stick out too far. This would not have worked. So, we consequently had to modify the body as well. Starting off by sending basic sketches until the feedback was ok, we then built a plywood sample, which was merely a flat board. This sample showed the basic shape and the size, enabling you to review the size of the model. That’s what we sent to Adam. This is slightly surprising. I thought that you first had a look at what technical and, in particular, sound requirements were necessary and then later adapted the design to these.
Warwick: You can incorporate all technical variables into an instrument later on. At first everything is about basic construction - will the design work at all? This is why we sent out the templates, and it was important to Adam to find out what the instrument looked like when wearing it. As I said earlier, we sent some templates to him, he chose a certain body, and we built the first prototype, which he certainly tested the sound of. Some things were still not quite right for him, so we tested various woods. Most of the time, the problem is that musicians do not really know the exact sound they are looking for. They can neither define it nor say, "Listen, let’s build it from this particular wood, include this particular pickup and these particular electronics." It just doesn’t work like that. Everybody hears differently and tastes differ. Adam then said, "I like this feature in this model, this one in that model ..." and we tried to incorporate everything into this one model. Did you communicate directly with Adam?
Warwick: At the very beginning, I agreed all features with Stuart Morgan, Adam's technician. We then sent over our first prototype and Stuart replied, "See, this part here isn’t so good, Adam doesn’t like it. And this, neither. And this ..." And then you build the next model. This is how it slowly grows. You change the pickups, send over new pickups and ask them, "Please test this pickup. What do you think of it? And what about these tone controls?" This is how, step by step, a new instrument is created. How long did the process take from the initial idea to the final instrument?
Warwick: Altogether, it took about one and a half years until everything was 100% perfect. And this whole process took place during and after the recording sessions for No Line on The Horizon and the preparations for the tour?
Warwick: Yes, that is correct. After finalizing the shape, we created several Reversos with varying knob layouts. Some fans found out that there was something being developed and asked themselves, "What kind of electronics is Adam using now? What is inside this bass?" There are several photos showing Adam using the bass, sometimes with four knobs, then three, later two, and then in the final version the bass had three knobs again. We ultimately completed development and production of the bass in the summer of 2009, right at the beginning of the 360° tour, and this is when Adam visited us on our premises in Markneukirchen. When exactly did that happen and how did it come up?
Warwick: It was the day before the concert in Berlin (18th July 2009). We had invited him several times prior to that, and had let him know that he was always welcome. Very famous musicians usually visit some time or another, if you are lucky, but definitely not that early in a working relationship. Adam, however, really wanted to visit our company and have a look around to see what exactly we do. So he rather spontaneously visited us whilst on his way to Berlin. He landed in Hof, the airport closest to our premises, roughly half an hour's drive away and I picked him up there. We showed him our production site, discussed a few topics, and then handed over the first instruments i.e. the Reverso bass and also a Streamer Stage II. And by then he had to leave for Berlin. And when was this Reverso first used? Did you have a chance to see that?
Warwick: As early as in Berlin the following day. This is rather unusual as musicians usually test the instrument first, and if it’s not 100% perfect, they do not play it in public. Only when everything is as desired, you hit the stage with it. Adam, however, wanted to try the bass right away. And we were there in Berlin. Adam specifically took some time out for us. He came to the VIP lounge before the show only for Warwick, for me and Jonas Hellborg, our Warwick bass player, to have a little chat with us. It was really cool that he did that. Then after the show, they usually leave the stage and hop into their cars right away, so there’s no chance to talk to them Was that your only opportunity to see the bass live on stage?
Warwick: No, Adam invited us to their gig in Frankfurt one year later (10th August 2010). We got into a huge traffic jam on our way there. We were stuck there three kilometers away from the stadium for one and a half hours. That really was a disaster, as we couldn’t get to the stadium in time to talk before the concert. But then we received a message from U2’s management saying that it was unfortunate that it hadn’t worked out, but that Adam still wanted to talk to us after the show, as this was the sole reason we had come in the first place. As it was all really short notice, we were told to wait at the steps leading down to the stage. We were brought to the stage, U2 left the stage, and we went along with them, quickly said hello to Adam and then he went. But I give him huge credit, I have to say, for taking time nevertheless and being like "Hey, then let’s just do it this way, otherwise you guys would have come here for nothing.” Well it certainly shows how he appreciates us for building the instruments. He didn't have to do this. Taking time for us despite their tight schedule was really a nice gesture. Seeing the bass live in action at such large concerts like U2 360° or watching the recordings later on must be really great for you, right?
Warwick: Yes, sure. However, it’s not like there’s just me or only one guitar manufacturer involved in building the instrument, but a whole production team. And of course, these people are highly motivated when they see a popular artist playing their work on stage, being able to say that they were part of the manufacturing process. It does make people proud.
Warwick: For the most part we communicate via e-mail but he also calls us every now and then. As I mentioned earlier, he once visited us in Markneukirchen, and we met at the two concerts. Working with Adam is really great fun, because he knows exactly what he wants. He is fastidious but very nice, not at all snobbish, and a really pleasant guy. And he has also got a good sense of humour. We had a great conversation during our trip from the airport, he was telling lots of stories about his life as a musician. We certainly didn’t get bored.
Warwick: Nothing fixed as of now. We are working on a model that has not been developed specifically for Adam, but we have him in mind during the development process. It’s a model we think he’d like. It will be sent to Ireland within the next few weeks so he can check it out. But this isn’t a new collaboration yet. We’re just asking whether Adam is interested in trying the instrument. And should he like it, we will be pleased to go on working on that project together. Thank you very much, Marcus, for taking the time to answer our questions in detail, and for granting us a look behind the scenes of the development and manufacture of instruments!
Published by
Interview by: Sabine Schieweck
Translation from German by: Christoph Beller, Hanna Pallua and Sabine Schieweck with Cathal McCarron
Published with kind permission from: Principle Management Ltd. Dublin & Warwick GmbH & Co Music Equipment KG, Markneukirchen
360° Tour,
Adam Clayton,
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Bono: Busking in Grafton Street for the 4th Time
Bono and friends (Glen Hansard, Damien Rice, Sinead O’Connor, Paddy Casey, Liam O’Maonlai , Lisa Hannigan among others) busked for charity in Grafton Street , Dublin at Christmas Eve. This is the fourth time Bono and Irish artists sing for a good cause. The short concert included: "Christmas (Please C0me Home), "I Believe in Father Christmas", "Silent Night", "Desire", "Not Fade Away"
Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas!!!
With the promise of a new album for 2013, (as said by Paul Mc Guinness), Bono,Adam and Edge celebrated Christmas some says ago.In the picture we can see Bono and performer Katherine Lynch with a very amused Adam and Edge some seats behind. We still wonder where Larry is, perhaps still acting for his new film.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The Unforgettable Hair
Adam Clayton goes back to his roots with new do
Adam, December 2012. Adam, circa 1979 What`s going on, Adam? Are all hairdressers in Dublin on holidays? |
U2 bassist Adam Clayton attended the band’s Christmas party last night, sporting a hair style with a lot of Elevation in the roots.
The 52-year-old was snapped going into Harry’s Bar in Dublin’s docklands, where he joined Bono and The Edge and pals of the group including artist Guggi for the annual knees up.
But fans were surprised to see Adam, who for years has sported a tight crop, with longer grey hair. And he had ditched his usual leather jacket and t-shirt for a patterned shirt and navy slacks. He wore an overcoat against the winter chill.
Fans waiting outside in the cold on Hanover Quay to meet the band as they entered the bar included husband and wife Alon and Maya Loey who had travelled from Israel to see the group for Christmas.
The evening’s entertainment was provided by comedian Katherine Lynch who told Adam, the only remaining single member of the group, that Lisa Murphy was back on the market if he was interested in hooking up with the ex of solicitor Gerald Keane.
Last year the band were entertained by Limerick’s Rubberbandits who performed at the same venue for the Principal management get together.
It has been a dramatic year for the bassist.
Last July his former personal assistant Carol Hawkins was jailed for seven years for stealing €2.8 million of Mr Clayton’s money after she was convicted on 181 counts of theft, over a four year period. Clayton attended the proceedings everyday in the Circuit Criminal Court, and gave evidence for the prosecution.
His attire in court was described to be like that of an architect, and he wore black rimmed glasses and a tight crew cut, which he has since grown out.
- reporters
Adam Clayton,
Fun with U2
Friday, December 21, 2012
Christmas a beautiful day for Bono as girls come home
Bono delighted to have two girls home for Christmas
Bono and Harry Crosbie |
The U2 frontman told the Irish Independent that the Hewson house is jam-packed once again thanks to the arrival of Jordan (23) and Eve (21), who have returned to Ireland for the holidays.
"We're very much looking forward to Christmas this year. The two girls are back, which means there won't be much room in the house for me and Ali, but we love it and all their mates, too – it's just that time of year," Bono said.
The Hewson daughters are currently living in New York.
"They've both finished college now. Eve finished early, which is amazing, as she worked through the summer. Jordan's making her mind up as well about what she wants to do now, too."
The musician will have a chilled out Christmas Day at his Dalkey home. "This year my brother (Norman) and his family are coming over to our house. It's noisy, it's messy, it's fantastic – just everything we love about Christmas."
Starting their celebrations in style, U2 threw a lavish party at H-Cafe in Dublin for staff at their company, Principle Management, where the entertainment included a performance from RTE personality Katherine Lynch.
Paul McGuinness was the first to arrive at the venue, owned by entrepreneur Harry Crosby and his wife Rita.
The Edge, whose real name is Dave Evans, followed shortly afterwards.
Bono turned up accompanied by close friend and artist Guggi. Adam Clayton made a quiet entrance later.
Asked whether fans can expect a new album from the band next year, McGuinness told the Irish Independent: "2012 has been very busy. There's always activity, so certainly expect a new record."
- Laura Butler
Irish Independent
The One and Only "End of the World"
Adam Clayton,
Larry Mullen Jr,
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
From the Ground Up
"From the Groud Up" is U2360º Official Photobook and is the gift that sends new subscribers for their website. Fifteen live tracks from U2360° on one CD.Recorded in 12 cities over two years.Curated by The Edge.
Here's the track-listing:
1. Breathe
Recorded at Stadio San Siro, Milan, 8th July 2009
2. I Will Follow
Recorded at Stade Roi Baudouin, Brussels, 22nd September 2010
3. Get On Your Boots
Recorded at Gillette Stadium, Foxborough, 20th September 2009
4. New Year's Day
Recorded at Croke Park, Dublin, 27th July 2009
5. Electrical Storm
Recorded at Stadio San Siro, Milan, 8th July 2009
6. Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of
Recorded at Estadio Azteca, Mexico City, 11th May 2011
7. Your Blue Room
Recorded at Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, 23rd September 2009
8. Vertigo
Recorded at Subiaco Oval, Perth, 18th December 2010
9. I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight
Recorded at Stade de France, Paris, 11th July 2009
10. Sunday Bloody Sunday
Recorded at Vanderbilt Stadium, Nashville, 2nd July 2011
11. Scarlet
Recorded at Vanderbilt Stadium, Nashville, 2nd July 2011
12. In A Little While
Recorded at Estadio Morumbi, Sao Paulo, 9th April 2011
13. Miss Sarajevo
Recorded at Estadio Morumbi, Sao Paulo, 9th April 2011
14. Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
Recorded at Estadio Nacional, Santiago, 25th March 2011
15. "40"
Recorded at Magnetic Hill Music Festival, Moncton, 30th July 2011
Recorded at Stadio San Siro, Milan, 8th July 2009
2. I Will Follow
Recorded at Stade Roi Baudouin, Brussels, 22nd September 2010
3. Get On Your Boots
Recorded at Gillette Stadium, Foxborough, 20th September 2009
4. New Year's Day
Recorded at Croke Park, Dublin, 27th July 2009
5. Electrical Storm
Recorded at Stadio San Siro, Milan, 8th July 2009
6. Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of
Recorded at Estadio Azteca, Mexico City, 11th May 2011
7. Your Blue Room
Recorded at Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, 23rd September 2009
8. Vertigo
Recorded at Subiaco Oval, Perth, 18th December 2010
9. I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight
Recorded at Stade de France, Paris, 11th July 2009
10. Sunday Bloody Sunday
Recorded at Vanderbilt Stadium, Nashville, 2nd July 2011
11. Scarlet
Recorded at Vanderbilt Stadium, Nashville, 2nd July 2011
12. In A Little While
Recorded at Estadio Morumbi, Sao Paulo, 9th April 2011
13. Miss Sarajevo
Recorded at Estadio Morumbi, Sao Paulo, 9th April 2011
14. Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
Recorded at Estadio Nacional, Santiago, 25th March 2011
15. "40"
Recorded at Magnetic Hill Music Festival, Moncton, 30th July 2011
Monday, December 17, 2012
Bono and Larry`s Out and Abouts
Larry was seen at Thin Lizzy`s show in Dublin.

And Bono was present at Jaime Nanci and the Blue Boys show some days ago in Dublin. He took up the stage and sang "I`ve got you under my skin".
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
For two decades the world’s top artists and bands have collaborated with Hard Rock International as part of the brand’s Signature Series programme, helping raise millions for good causes.
Today Hard Rock launches its U2 Signature Series: Edition 30 T-shirt in support of human rights around the globe.
Through a partnership between EDUN LIVE and Hard Rock, the limited-edition shirt will be available in stores and online, with 15% of the retail price benefitting the work of Amnesty International in campaigning for human rights worldwide.
'I hope this T-shirt generates loads of cash for Amnesty International and their tireless work towards the release of prisoners of conscience all around the world,' said The Edge. 'Plus there's a guitar on it - so it’s a win-win as far as I'm concerned.'
Hard Rock’s U2 Signature Series: Edition 30 T-shirt features an image of an electric guitar with angel wings, emblazoned with the words 'JUSTICE', 'HUMANITY' and 'EQUALITY'. A barbed wire is seen wrapped around the neck of the guitar. The back of the T-shirt bears the signatures of each member of the band.
'We are thrilled that U2, Hard Rock and EDUN have generously offered to support Amnesty International in this high-profile way,' said Thomas Schultz-Jagow, Campaigns & Communications Director, Amnesty International. 'We have a history of working with all three, and the combined power of us all coming together on this project will make a huge difference by raising awareness of our human rights work around the world.'
The new T-shirt will be available online and at Rock Shops at Hard Rock Cafe locations in New York, London and Dublin from today, to coincide with International Human Rights Day. It will be available in Hard Rock Cafes, Hotels and Casinos worldwide beginning in February 2013. The U2 Signature Series T-shirt is printed on a navy blue EDUN Live T-shirt made from 100% African cotton and is available in men’s sizes.
Friday, December 7, 2012
2013 Grammy Awards:From The Sky Down, Nominated
the Davis Guggenheim directed documentary about the making of Achtung Baby, has been nominated for Best Long Form Music Video at the 2013 Grammy Awards.
The first ever documentary film to open the Toronto International Film Festival, Guggenheim travelled with the band back to Hansa Studios in Berlin to reveal the hidden story behind the recording of a landmark album in the band's career. 'Quite simply, ' reported Entertainment Weekly, 'It's one of the most transcendent close-up looks at the process of creating rock & roll I’ve ever seen.'
From The Sky Down is up against some strong competition at the Awards in February including Big Easy Express (Mumford & Sons, Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros and Old Crow Medicine Show), Esperanza Spalding's Radio Music Society, Get Along (Tegan & Sarah) and the Sade concert video Bring Me Home.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
It Starts With Me:
ONE members around the world join together in the fight against AIDS.
These stories can create change. And so can you.
Watch one. Share one. Join ONE.
CLICK HERE to join the fight against AIDS around the world:
Want to submit your own message? Directions here:
These stories can create change. And so can you.
Watch one. Share one. Join ONE.
CLICK HERE to join the fight against AIDS around the world:
Want to submit your own message? Directions here:
DANCE (RED), SAVE LIVES .Dec 1 is World AIDS Day. Watch the livestream of Tiësto and some of the biggest names in dance music from Stereosonic, Australia's biggest dance music festival.
Buy the DANCE (RED), SAVE LIVES compilation album presented by Tiësto - out Nov 29. It features an exclusive collaboration between Tiësto and Bono on U2's 'Pride'. Costs $7.99 and ALL proceeds go to fight AIDS.
Friday, November 30, 2012
The Fight Goes On: Bono’s Unwavering Quest to End AIDS
In recognition of this year’s World AIDS Day, U2 singer and global activist Bono is stepping up his fight against HIV/AIDS by personally lobbying American legislators to maintain funding for global AIDS initiatives and awareness. His plea comes at a moment when Washington is embroiled in tensebudget debates over how to avoid the so-called “fiscal cliff” which would trigger automatic spending cuts and tax hikes. Bono showed up in Washington a few weeks after the presidential election to make his case and he didn’t just bring star-appeal, he brought data. His international advocacy organization, The ONE Campaign, recently released a report, warning that despite scientific strides made in combating the pandemic, the United Nation’s goal to achieve the “beginning of the end of AIDS by 2015” will fail if funding is cut to AIDS programs. The report also says financial and political commitment to AIDS efforts from the usual donor countries are varied, with the U.S., U.K. and France leading efforts while Germany, Canada, Japan and Italy lag behind in funding. Bono pushed lawmakers to continue to make AIDS financing a priority. Given the current status, the beginning of the end ofAIDS—defined as when the number of new HIV infections each year is surpassed by the number of people receiving treatment—will not be reached until 2022
American support is key to reaching the ambitious goals set by the United Nations. When Bono sat down with TIME’s managing editor, Rick Stengel last year, he shared his confidence in the Obama Administration’s financial commitment and praised the U.S’s role in leading efforts to fight the virus. “It is an extraordinary thing that the United States has done, which is in the war against this tiny little virus, which has caused so much destruction and heartache, American leadership has been the turning point,” said Bono in the interview. “Five million lives have been saved around the world because of American leadership.”
Despite the anxiety over whether lack of fiscal support will slow the momentum the movement has already achieved, Bono’s organization, The ONE Campaign and its fundraising division (RED), are continuing to spearhead awareness with a new pop culture initiative coinciding with World AIDS Day on December 1st.
ONE is launching a first-person YouTube video series called “It starts with me,” with video messages and stories from contributors like AIDS activist Cleve Jones and actor Colin Farrell. (RED) has teamed up with Tiesto, a leading electronic music DJ to release a compilation album, DANCE (RED), SAVE LIVES with fellow EDM musicians. The album corresponds with a global YouTube livestream from the Stereosonic Festival in Melbourne, Australia.
As Bono told TIME prior to last year’s World AIDS Day, the beginning of the end of AIDS is nearing with continued international political and financial support. “With some breakthroughs in science there is a chance to turn [this around]… As I say it to you, I can hardly believe the sound of it. For some people, this is a really emotional moment,” he said.
Alexandra Sifferlin
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Bono and Paul Mc Guinness Remember Frank Barsalona
Bono with Frank Barsalona in 2002 |
Frank Barsalona, founder of Premier Talent and one of the pioneers of the modern touring business, passed away Thanksgiving morning after a long illness. U2 manager Paul McGuinness responded with this touching tribute.
"Trying to get U2 signed to Premier Talent was the reason for my trip when I flew to New York for the very first time in 1980. I was a baby manager but I knew that Premier were the agency that had driven the British Invasion for the Who, Zeppelin and all the great bands. U2 were recording their first album, "Boy," in Dublin, with Steve Lillywhite producing, for Island Records. When I arrived in New York, I phoned Frank Barsalona's office for an appointment. They took my number, maybe they would have called back. The next day my father died suddenly back in Dublin. I phoned Premier to say I wouldn't be able to see Frank that week because I would be at the funeral but I would be back soon. He had to see me when I returned, I was the guy in Ireland whose father had died ...
"When I met Frank a week or two later he listened to the U2 tape, looked at a video clip I had made, and (with some encouragement from Chris Blackwell, who had once bailed out his agency) agreed to represent the band. It was the most important alliance we had made up to then.
"Through the 1980s in North America, Barbara Skydel and Frank guided U2 to becoming one the great live act they are now. Over many late nights sitting in his office as he told me his stories, after everyone had gone home, he gave me my education in the business. Sometimes we went to watch a Yankees game, but mostly we sat and he talked, often till midnight.
"He taught U2 and myself something that has stood us in good stead ever since -- that an artist has two parallel careers: one on record and one live. The fact that record success came later for U2 was compensated for by their much quicker rise to fame as one of the great live attractions.
"He and his network of regional promoters gave us so much of their skill and wisdom. In 1991/1992 we did the ambitious, expensive, and deservedly legendary, ZooTV tour. We kept the ticket price low and only broke even.
"In 1997 when costs were even higher, we were planning the PopMart tour and we changed the business model, and decided to invite bids from interested parties who would underwrite the whole world tour, and shoulder the financial risk that the band had hitherto taken. This meant working without an agent and I had the painful task of informing Frank and Barbara that U2 were no longer Premier clients. The business was changing. I had to say the same to Ian Flooks of Wasted Talent, who had been our brilliant agent in the rest of the world.
"We then started working worldwide with Michael Cohl and Arthur Fogel, then working under the name TNA. Though Michael is no longer part of the organization, TNA became SFX, that became Clear Channel and the current Live Nation concert organization, which is in many ways the successor to Frank Barsalona's network. We are still working with Arthur Fogel, who first played U2 in the El Mocambo in Toronto in 1980, a date booked by Premier.
"Frank was a great man and we will not see his like again. My sympathies and condolences go to his wife June and daughter Nicole."
Bono also said to
'Beyond a gentleman to deal with. Graceful, very family orientated. Working with Frank as U2 did, it was like you were in his family. His stories were sometimes long but always memorable - my favourite featuring The Who smashing their instruments on stage for the first time in his presence and starring Frank, who, starting to get it, turns to his beloved but aghast wife, June and says, 'It's ok honey, it's all part of the show.'
'Maybe you had to be there... hard to explain somebody like Frank as they just don't make them like that anymore. We think of June and Nicole as the band and I salute him. I don't think U2 would have enjoyed the kind of success we have had without Frank Barsalona building it with us. One of maybe ten in the business who believed in U2 as much as we did and cajoled and crooned his peers into doing the same.'
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
"I know the real thing", says Bono's girl
Eve Hewson goes glam inside the November/December issue of Flauntmagazine. |
THE youngest daughter of U2 frontman Bono has told how her father's fame can bring out the worst in people when they find out her connection to the global superstar.
The 21-year-old actress Eve Hewson, who is studying acting at New York City University, said she is rarely recognised.
But the student told 'Flaunt' magazine she can instantly recognise the people who want to be friends with her in college because of her rock star father.
"It's made it, in some ways, easier to find friends because it brings out certain bad things in people," she said. "Then you can see easier. Well, you can smell the desperation in people."
For most of her life she has been kept out of the limelight by her parents but her roles in a string of high-profile films are turning the dark-haired beauty into a budding film star.
But she said her father's status as the frontman of the world's biggest band rarely encroached on her happy, sheltered childhood in southside Dublin.
"Obviously, every now and then someone would start singing a U2 song at a party but, aside from that, it's not really about who you are, what you have.
"It's just like, how you can hang out, if you can tell a good story, if you can make a good laugh."
Her performance alongside Hollywood star Sean Penn in the film 'This Must Be The Place' has already caused a buzz around the young actress.
She plays the surrogate daughter to Penn's depressed rock star. She said she wasn't recognised much while making the film. "Nobody really cares about me. There are other famous actors on set that are more fascinating."
The actress, who has an older sister Jordan (23) and two younger brothers Elijah (14) and John Abraham (11), has recently finished the movie 'Blood Ties'.
It stars a string of Hollywood heavy-hitters including Clive Owen, Billy Crudup, legend James Caan and Oscar-winner Marion Cotillard.
The young actress lists edgy star Juliette Lewis and Evan Rachel Woods as big influences.
"I think you have to be very forward about what you want. You have to be confident that you have a vision and that you want to play different sides of yourself. I think the crazier and weirder you are you will be able to get there."
She also said she really admires actress Frances McDormand for picking kooky roles.
"I love Frances for that. It's so cool. And Catherine Keener, who I am working with right now – she is the kind of cool chick that doesn't play into any of the bull***t."
- Lynne Kelleher
Irish Independent
http://www.independent.iepictures: (from Flaunt magazine)
Sunday, November 25, 2012
The ONE Effect: Feel Real Change
As a teenager in the 1980s I experienced three exhilarating moments which shaped my view of activism. I was one of thousands who responded to the call to fight apartheid and enjoy the Free Mandela concert - and then Mandela was freed. We were asked to buy a piece of vinyl, a simple song, a single of solidarity for the hungry in Ethiopia - millions of us did and millions were fed. Then we heard about a crumbling wall of oppression in Berlin - so with friends I got on that train, took a sledge hammer to the Berlin wall, joining a massive party of positive protest.
Each time the sensation was amazing - mass participation in campaigns, moments of solidarity, freedom, and above all, the realisation that by coming together as one we could help make change happen and be part of history.
I am lucky enough to relive that incredible feeling every day, because I co-founded an organisation, the ONE Campaign, whose entire purpose is to help people unite in the fight the injustice of extreme poverty - and be part of history. Just as I got to be tiny part of big change with Live Aid, the anti-apartheid campaign or the Berlin Wall-busting party, so we give our members real opportunities to bust this global injustice.
Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and other activist leaders in Africa first asked Bono, Bob and our team to step up our activism in partnership with Africans in the late 1990s. Following the anti-apartheid campaign they wanted to see serious global movement on issues like debt, AIDS, increased aid, transparency and trade reform. So we answered in various experimental ways and eventually by setting up ONE. Then Mandela really upped the ante in 2005 when he demanded we be "that great generation to make poverty history". Some might think Mandela naïve for demanding this. But we will see shortly this great man's vision is on the right side of history.
Inspired by this African ambition we now have over three million members around the world, networked with tens of millions more in great activist organisations like Oxfam, Save the Children and Global Witness. The story of how ONE grew from its roots in those moments of activism is told in a new documentary being shown on BBC4 on Sunday as part of the Why Poverty? series.
Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and other activist leaders in Africa first asked Bono, Bob and our team to step up our activism in partnership with Africans in the late 1990s. Following the anti-apartheid campaign they wanted to see serious global movement on issues like debt, AIDS, increased aid, transparency and trade reform. So we answered in various experimental ways and eventually by setting up ONE. Then Mandela really upped the ante in 2005 when he demanded we be "that great generation to make poverty history". Some might think Mandela naïve for demanding this. But we will see shortly this great man's vision is on the right side of history.
Inspired by this African ambition we now have over three million members around the world, networked with tens of millions more in great activist organisations like Oxfam, Save the Children and Global Witness. The story of how ONE grew from its roots in those moments of activism is told in a new documentary being shown on BBC4 on Sunday as part of the Why Poverty? series.
Our members sometimes just send emails or tactical tweets to push politicians, sometimes they turn up outside their offices, and often enough go into them - to ensure their voices are heard demanding specific policy changes on trade transparency or smart aid programs that help the poorest help themselves. At the same time as our members are pushing so are our other influential friends like Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros or Bono. This strategy of "inside influence and outside mobilisation" combined often forces leaders to pay more attention - and act.
African activist leaders, such as the Sudanese telecoms entrepreneur and activist Mo Ibrahim and the Nigerian "corruption cop" Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, and host of other African advisers continue to inform and advise our work. In Ngozi's words - "As an African leader and policy expert I just want to say how cognisant I am of the efforts ONE and Bono make to ensure the real concerns of Africans are heard in the decisions they make about the policies they chose to campaign on. When I asked they campaign for debt cancellation, they did. When I asked for help in fighting corruption and promoting transparency, they did. Bono and ONE systematically listen and learn from leaders and citizens in Africa in ways I wish others sometimes did. This kind of partnership is what we need much more of from our friends around the world."
In 10 years together we've helped a series of campaigns go from margins to mainstream and make change happen. The successes don't always hit the headlines, but they are real. The "publish what you pay" transparency legislation we're pushing for in the oil and gas sector is now going global. Or take AIDS - when we started 50,000 people in need in Africa had access to life saving drugs - now it's 6.2million. Or malaria - deaths down by a third in sub-Saharan Africa in a decade. Or child-killing diseases - altogether we've campaigned for vaccines which have helped save over 5million lives this last decade. Or Drop the Debt - removal of the debt overhang has helped African leaders put 50m more kids into school and contributed partly to many nations faster economic growth since 2000. Recently campaigning has also helped force more transparency in the oil and gas extraction sector in developing regions like Africa.
The credit for these achievements doesn't lie with celebrity rockstars, though they've certainly helped. It belongs to African citizens and the millions who campaign in solidarity with them such as those who marched for Drop the Debt and Make Poverty History. In their name these African successes should be far better known and they amount to something profound. The Millennium Development Goal set in 2000 of halving extreme poverty has already been achieved before 2015, the target date. And since Mandela spoke poverty reduction in Africa has also picked up with many African nations driving down poverty reduction rapidly. Globally poverty reduction is now on course to near ZERO by 2030. So we could really be that generation Mandela asked us to be. Joining ONE is a great way to accelerate the achievement of his vision.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
On Tuesday Tiësto releases an exclusive compilation album, DANCE (RED), SAVE LIVES, featuring artists like Calvin Harris, Avicii and Diplo.
The album is designed to mobilise dance music fans in the fight against AIDS - and raise vital funds ahead of World AIDS Day. More information here.
One of the stand-out tracks is a collaboration between Tiësto and Bono on a remix of Pride (In The Name Of Love) -
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
More on Tiësto`s collaboration with (RED)
(RED) have announced a collaboration with one of the world’s leading DJs and electronic dance music pioneers, Tiësto.
Next Tuesday, November 27, Tiësto will release an exclusive compilation album, DANCE (RED), SAVE LIVES, followed by a global livestream – powered by YouTube - from Melbourne’s Stereosonic Festival over World AIDS Day weekend on December 1st and 2nd.
The compilation features artists including Calvin Harris, Avicii and Diplo, as well as an exclusive collaboration between Tiësto and Bono on U2's 'Pride'.
Mobilizing the huge global community of dance music fans in the fight against AIDS, Tiësto and his fellow DANCE (RED), SAVE LIVES artists will livestream their sets from the Stereosonic Festival on YouTube, bringing fans an unforgettable live global music experience. The stream will be available at
The announcement comes as (RED) and its partners mark an important milestone in the fight against AIDS, having generated $200 million for the Global Fund.
Speaking about his collaboration with (RED), Tiësto said; “When I went to Africa in 2006, I was struck by the devastating effect of AIDS. Now the world has an incredible chance to make sure that babies are born HIV free by 2015, and the dance community is going to make a lot of noise to help make this happen.”
The war against AIDS faces a critical battle: to deliver the first AIDS Free Generation since HIV was diagnosed 31 years ago. In 2003, new childhood HIV infections peaked with more than 1,500 babies born with HIV every day. For only 40 cents a day, mothers can be treated to prevent transmission to their unborn children, and just over 900 babies are now born daily with the virus. By 2015, that number can be near zero. Ending mother-to-child transmission of HIV is a component of the UN Millennium Development Goals.
Deborah Dugan, CEO of (RED), said “Tiësto represents a generation of young music fans with incredible passion and energy. We want to tap into that passion to help deliver an AIDS free generation by 2015; a monumentally important milestone in the fight against AIDS. What Tiësto and his friends in the dance music community are bringing to this fight is invaluable. They bring the kind of heat that is so desperately needed to keep this issue at the top of the agenda. This World AIDS Day, I want fans to buy the album and DANCE (RED), SAVE LIVES!'
Find out more.
(RED) was founded in 2006 by Bono and Bobby Shriver to engage business in the fight against AIDS. It partners with iconic global brands who contribute up to 50% of profits from (RED) branded goods and services to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
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